Richard T. Simmons Jr
Qualifications and Involvement in the Pou Case
“Rick Simmons” is a graduate of L.S.U. Law School with a LLM in Environmental Law from George Washington Law School; a former Assistant U.S. Attorney in New Orleans (Chief, Criminal Division and served as a Brilab prosecutor in U.S. vs. Carlos Marcello – the Gulf Coast Mafia Boss convicted of racketeering (1981); He was on active duty as U.S. Army JAG and was involved in the Appellate representation of Lt. William Calley (My Lai, Vietnam “war crimes” incident). Upon retirement as a Lt. Col., he was awarded the Meritious Service Metal (1999).
Another post Katrina representation involved the “self defense” claims of New Orleans Police Officer, David Warren, who was acquitted of Civil Rights Murder charges for the shooting of Henry Glover at a shopping mall ransacked by Post Katrina looters. The Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers honored him with the President’s Award in recognition of his pro bono representation in the acquittal of Officer Warren (2013).
Other notable representations include: BP’s vice president for offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (BP oil spill 2010); Jeff Parish Councilman Bob Evans – acquitted of bank fraud charges (1994); actor Paul Burke acquitted, along with Orleans Parish D.A. Harry Connick of racketeering charges (1990); business partner to Gov. Edwin Edwards (1986-acquitted of racketeering).
He is a Managing Partner of Hailey, McNamara Law Firm in New Orleans. (
Involvement in the Case:
Upon my representation of Dr. Pou, I: (1) obtained access to the photographs taken upon the reentry to Memorial Hospital, reflecting the horrible conditions -- patient bodies covered with sheets and other photographs of the facility; (2) visited the Memorial site on four occasions, the first time in a “hazmat” suit because of the environmental contamination (3) reviewed all of the medical records of all the patients who died at Memorial, the autopsy reports from the Orleans Parish Coroner, along with the toxicology results from the laboratories,; (4) conducted dozens and dozens of interviews of or obtain statements from the doctors, nurses and other personnel who were present at the facility; (5) studied the various expert reports from the Attorney General; (6) obtained my own experts; and (7) interfaced with the Attorney General's representatives (Butch Schaefer, Virginia Ryder, Assistant District Attorney (Michael Morales) and Coroner Frank Minyard.
With regard to the 53 LifeCare patients, I have tracked the transportation of these patients to their room assignments on the 7th floor at Memorial and ultimately to their locations as deceased patients placed into the “make shift” morgues.]